
Fon Tuma

In the beginning there was the void
For how can you fill a cup which is half-filled?

In the beginning which was named Beginning
the be-grinning masks of many gods
have been said to have hovered over the waters
- right before there was any sort of form

The land sprung from the seas
The trees from the land, The
seed of all known animals too

Dominion over which the universal conscience that is
God - stood witness
In the beginning science surpassed obedience
or so these sages have been known to say

Time un-tame goddess
astride the forehead of the beast
the dragon dracon
with scourge to purge the end of days

The whore of Babylon
her wine cup the blood of
sinners and saints - Semiramis
Queen of the Euphrates, tart of the Tigris
She who knew her son and more...

Or so these sages have been known to say