A MADDING GENERATION by John Nkemngong Nkengasong
A MADDING GENERATION evokes the ailing voices of the younger generation in Abalanka, a society caught up in the quagmire of leadership that has governed the country without a vision for more than half a century after independence. In the play, Nkengasong captures the state of affairs through the tribulations of the protagonist, Bena, a young unemployed graduate from the University of Abalanka whose future remains dark and uncertain, perpetrated by those who wield the wand of power and who take no precaution to enable him survive the awful realities of contemporary experience. The author’s humour is sharp, vivid and provocative. It probes into consciences and persecutes irrational and self-centred minds in order that those concerned can seek ways to mend the past and reconstruct the present and the future for the well-being of humanity.
(Dr David Toh Kusi, University of Yaounde I)