Sylvanus N. Karngong

I dream because I hope
That despite all, I’ll still cope,
Up the hill; down the slope
On a plain or a rope
I’ll, every problem probe
Even in the dark I’ll grope
Till I attain that for which I hope.

I dream one day I’ll make a name
Either via total failure or remarkable fame,
Life is tough but I’ll reach even lame
The summit reserved for a few as some claim.
All the wildest problems, I’ve been able to tame
Without having anybody to blame,
I’ll continue till I’m best in life’s game.

I wasn’t fortunate to be like a few
Who into plenteous fortune grew
Savouring every goody, every delicious stew;
But to me old things remained new.
However, as I grab, each day my pew
I dream of a brilliant future anew
Which must come as if, of it, I already knew.

I dream of myself clutching the star
Riding swiftly along hopes tar
Moving faster than the fastest car
Though never crossing that bar
That divides hopelessness from that star
But sooner or later I must clutch that star
That, nobody born of a woman can mar.

I dream because I live
Hopeless men never live
Ask for what I can give and I’ll give
But for my dream, you’ll never receive
For in that hopeful future I believe
Which must come now that I still live.
My dream is steadfast, even when I grieve.
I dream even when I see not why I should dream.
Dream, Dream, Dream, the only thing that
Keeps body and soul intact.
Sick people die only when they stop dreaming of living.


Sylvanus N. Kerngong

I know not for how this thought will last,
But I do think time runs so fast;
I know my clock ticks to finally tick its last
So I need to Pedita’s image forever cast
In print before I ever breathe my last.

I thought I could immortalize her in song,
But, it seems I was utterly wrong;
I’ve tried her in wood and paint for long.
Sung her praises before many a throng
But thoughts of death always prove me wrong.

Wherever just her face, so smooth and so bright,
I need no more the light,
For she illuminates me each night;
Thus, immortality I crave with all my might
But time does not prove me right.

Her immortal beauty makes me king
Searching for her each new day with a ring
To kiss, wed and call her my darling
But thoughts of Mighty Death’s coming
Reduces me just to a mere thing.

Now that I still possess life
You are the soul of my life
Thought your counters may strife
To win you over with a fife
I fear none but death’s sharp knife

If only I could live twice
I would visit immortal rock for a slice
And chisel you in before another demise
But death hates anything nice
So, it exterminates men like mice.

However, all hope is not lost
For my sons will at all cost
Work in sun as in frost;
Even if I be forever lost,
To prevent you from being lost.

There must be an immortal version of you
I’ll leave the hammer and chisel with Afanyu,
The paint pot and brush with Asonyu,
Wood, file and carving knife with Bilanyu
And you will be immortalized sitting on an immortal pew!
Fie upon you, death! You’re a gluttonous hue.